Tips, Tricks, and Advice: Mental Health Matters

Hello all,

It’s been quite awhile since I wrote here and for that I’m sorry, but I had some personal issues to handle before I would devote myself to a project completely. I want to talk about an important issue. Mental Health of Caregivers.

I’m almost positive that every single one of us has gone through a struggle with our mental health. I myself have periods of depression where going to work seems like a challenge, and I struggle to keep a smile on my face.

What I want all caregivers to remember is that you are not alone.

Most areas have resources available such as support groups, but you can also reach out to coworkers, supervisors, and others in a similar situation.

Informational podcasts, and books are a great resource for finding out more about the disease process that you are witnessing, or going through.

Just remember you are not alone.

Feel free to email/or message us as well and we will assist you in finding resources near you.

-VickiMarie ❤

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